Tag Archives: wales

Chock full of Wonderwool

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I know, I know, I’m massively late in the game to offer my thoughts on Wonderwool, but you know what they say; better late than never!

I managed to take my surprisingly enthusiastic fiancé along this year and we both found it a haven of inspiration, craftsmanship and encouragement. The calibre of stall was high, as it is every year, and it was a treat to show someone who’d never been before the sights and sounds. It also gave me an excuse to try a wealth of cakes that in the past I had somehow always missed. (He had a strawberry tart, I had a delectable brownie).

The wall of colour!

The wall of colour!

It was very hard not to be involved from start to finish this year, and walking away from Mum to go home in the evening was something I found incredibly difficult. It’s funny how much you can get used to a place, to seeing the same people, being in the same spot, watching the same things. Waking up on Sunday in my nice warm bed, knowing that I wouldn’t be greeted by the traders’ warm faces and a hot cup of Welsh coffee was something that I don’t think I’ll be able to cope with next year. I’ll have to get my act together and help out properly.

A busy moment....

A busy moment….

However, we did manage to have a good look around, see old favourites and discover some new ones. I loved having a nose around the new hall, and it’s so nice to see such a range of dynamic stalls.

It encouraged me to pick up my spindle, and almost every evening I’ve been home since, I’ve enjoyed continuing to learn. It’s something I’m looking forward to carrying on with it when it gets too hot to carry on with my chunky jumper. Yes it will get hot, one day soon! I’m holding out hope…

At a quieter moment...

At a quieter moment 🙂

Wonderful Wonderwool

We had a fab weekend! I am still hanging, but gathering strength slowly. The weather was perfect, a little cold but sunny with showers. 100% improvement on last year!! We met lots of lovely people who believe in our product and what we are trying to do. We met lots of lovely people willing to try our new spin and give feedback. Plus we met lots of our lovely trader friends who we always look forward to meeting at the shows. A huge vote of thanks to all.

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In the meantime the pups have grown SO much! They are in to absolutely everything absolutely all of the time! They are so much fun and I am going to miss them dreadfully. Everyday I have to discipline myself regarding keeping more than one. The one we are keeping for sure is this little girl (darkest Brindle, bottom pup in photo on right). Her name is Tweed.

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Also the hedgerows did not wait for me and my camera. There are Bluebells and Pink Campions and Stitchwort out alongside the Primroses and Violets and Cowslips. The Cowparsley is also almost there. All stunning adornment for the tracks.

When I have organized the yarns I will show some here, but I am just sorting out the paperwork and organizing another spin and so on. And, of course, trying to regain some energy.

We’re off to see the wizard…

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… The wonderful wizard of Wonderwool.

Things are all packed, puppies are suitably misbehaving, yarn is EVERYWHERE, but I think we’re very nearly ready to go.

And, joy of all joys, the SUN IS SHINING! And long may it do so.

Do come and say hello if you’re heading up to Builth Wells this lovely weekend, we’d love to meet you.

If not, we shall be back blogging next week, and our shop will reopen soon after that.


MJ x